Partners and networks
We operate with strong partners.
The Dahme-Spreewald Economic Development Agency has strong partners at its side for all plans and projects. These come from the fields of economic, labour-market and social policy of the Dahme-Spreewald district and the state of Brandenburg. The Dahme-Spreewald Economic Development Agency also benefits from collaboration with regionally based and established companies. These collaborations are constantly being expanded, strengthened and developed further.
The aim is to meet the challenges of the future together, in particular to secure the demand for skilled workers in the long term and to strengthen companies’ innovation and competitiveness.
Partners in the field of company set-up, expansion and relocation
- Cottbus Chamber of Industry and Commerce
- Cottbus Chamber of Trade
- WFBB Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH
- ILB Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg
- Credit institutions such as Bürgschaftsbank Berlin-Brandenburg, Mittelbrandenburgische Sparkasse, Deutsche Kreditbank, Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank and Berliner Volksbank
Partners for project development and implementation
- Cottbus Chamber of Trade
- Cottbus Chamber of Industry and Commerce
- WFBB Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg GmbH
- ILB Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg
- Cottbus Employment Agency
- Dahme-Spreewald Job Centre
- IMW Interessenvereinigung Mittelständische Wirtschaft e. V.
- BBAA Berlin-Brandenburg Aerospace Allianz e. V.
- LNBB LogistikNetz Berlin-Brandenburg e. V.
- Tourism associations like TV Dahme-Seen e.V. and TV Spreewald e. V.
- Research institutions such as the Wildau Technical University of Applied Sciences, Technical University Berlin and Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
- DGB German Trade Union Confederation
- Media partners such as Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung and Lausitzer Rundschau
We are a member of various networks and associations.
The Dahme-Spreewald Economic Development Agency belongs to or is a member of various networks and associations that foster progress and promote small and medium-sized businesses. These include the following:
- BVIZ Bundesverband Deutscher Innovations-, Technologie- und Gründerzentren e. V.
- Deutscher Verband der Wirtschaftsförderungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaften e. V.
- KAV Kommunaler Arbeitgeberverband Brandenburg e. V.
- BBI Wirtschaft pro Flughafen e. V.
- BBAA Berlin-Brandenburg Aerospace Allianz e. V.
- CURPAS e.V. (Civil Use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems)
Project-related networks assist companies with questions regarding location, they look after business start-ups and help secure a skilled workforce. These include, for example, the LDS “Lotsendienst” mentoring service, the LDS career guidance projects and training fair, and event networks such as the Aerospace Day and the Young Professional Aerospace and LDS SME Forum event series.
You can find out more under Companies and Founders and Specialists and Young Professionals.