Our mission statement – Our values
We take responsibility
With our responsibility as a supporter, partner and promoter of the economy, the labour market and the development of technology in the Dahme-Spreewald district, we have produced a mission statement for the Dahme-Spreewald Economic Development Agency that is made up of a range of values:
The Dahme-Spreewald Economic Development Agency sees itself as an expert partner for all location or investment decisions. We help and support companies, the district and the population in safeguarding the future of the region.
Customer focus
The Dahme-Spreewald Economic Development Agency is committed to its customers. It supports companies, the district and consumers as well as people looking to become integrated in the regional training and labour market.
The Dahme-Spreewald Economic Development Agency thinks long-term. Career guidance projects and projects supporting unemployed people and business start-ups aim to tackle the shortage of skilled workers and bind highly trained, expert workers to the region.
The Dahme-Spreewald Economic Development Agency offers quality at the highest level. Our established and actively managed QM system guarantees a professional quality of work, compliance with standards and the ongoing development of the company.