Promoting the economy – Advancing the district
The Dahme-Spreewald Economic Development Agency (WFG) is your expert partner for questions about location and economic development in the district of Dahme-Spreewald.Strengthening the economic region
We focus on the region’s future!
The Dahme-Spreewald Economic Development Agency was founded in 1992 as a separate German limited company (GmbH). The sole shareholder is the district of Dahme-Spreewald. The chairman of the shareholders’ meeting is District Administrator Stephan Loge. The Managing Director is qualified economist Gerhard Janßen.
Since 2000, the Economic Development Agency has been based at the Aerospace Technology Centre Schönefelder Kreuz (ZLR) in Wildau in the north of the district, not far from Berlin. It has 13 employees.
In line with the partnership agreement, we consider our main task to be improving the structure of the Dahme-Spreewald district by promoting the economy, transport, tourism, leisure and recreation. We also support social, cultural and sport facilities.
We have established three divisions to allow us to address this task:
Business development
We support companies that would like to establish themselves, relocate or expand their headquarters in the Dahme-Spreewald district. We offer first-rate support during the location search, location development and location marketing and advise on questions of financing and subsidies. We are also happy to provide mentoring services on administrative aspects.
Our comprehensive support also includes resolving operational issues, regular visits to the companies and organising regional meetings and events for entrepreneurs. These include the “InnoTesting” conference and the “Aerospace Day”, where the Lilienthal Prize is awarded. Other key occasions are the “Forum Mittelstand LDS” events series and the “LDS Economic Reception”, where the winners of the “Best Employer in the Dahme-Spreewald District” competition are honoured.
Labour market promotion
We have established a well-received, integrated system of labour market projects for both the recruitment of young talent and for securing a skilled workforce:
For business start-ups and job seekers alike
- LDS “Lotsendienst” mentoring service
- LDS microloan programme
- Promotion of entrepreneurial know-how (BAFA)
- “Dream of Flying” ideas competition for nurseries
- “First Flight Trials” workshop for pupils
- “Start 2 Fly” career guidance for aviation
- “Start to...” career guidance for healthcare, industry and the trades
- “Training for the Future! Find out what fits!” training fair
- “Young Professionals Aerospace” event series
Securing your skilled workforce
- “Long Night of Business” event
- “Best Employer in the Dahme-Spreewald District” competition
- “Working well in Logistics – Strengthening the Social Partnership” project
Technology development
The Dahme-Spreewald Economic Development Agency has developed the Aerospace Technology Centre Schönefelder Kreuz (ZLR) and the Technology and Start-up Centre (TGZ) in Wildau. These centres provide the ideal starting conditions for technology-oriented start-ups and innovative SMEs in the aviation industry and beyond by providing rooms, events and opportunities for cooperation. They also help companies to create high-quality jobs – a key challenge, both for today and the future.
By setting up the three divisions, we are focusing on the district’s high-growth sectors – aviation, logistics, food industry, tourism – and have a firm eye on the central challenges of the future – demographic change, globalisation, scarcity of resources.
We support you
- with location search
- with company set-up
- with relocation
- with expansion
- with modernisation
- when starting up
- with research for subsidies
- with licensing procedures
- with recruitment
- with business development
- with networking with other players from business, science, municipalities etc.
Your point of contact